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A Quick Guide to Storylines in the First Season

Our first season consists of some stories stretching over several episodes, and some that are pretty much standalones. Here's a quick breakdown of what's what:

Episodes 1- 5: Origin story and becoming pirates: introduction of all characters, the birth of the Anachronauts, the advent of the Rats, the finding of the Golden Hind-er, pirating with inventions.

Episode 6: Hobbies and singalong: standalone episode.

Episodes 7- 11: The Moon Trip Story

Episode 12: Shakespeare looks for a replacement for Yorick: standalone episode.

Episode 13: Yorick's birthday!: standalone episode.

Episode 14-17: The Gaming Story

Episode 18: Movies and the Scooter Song!: standalone episode.

Episode 19-20: The Land of Really Big Stuff story

Episode 21: Yorick's safety video: standalone episode.

Episode 22: Yorick's TV appearance: standalone episode, but a kind of summary of Yorick's career.
