Season 3 Episode 4 now out!
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The BIG Contest!

It has occurred to us at "22 Bones" that Yorick isn't very forthcoming about when his birthday is; all he'll say on the matter is, "I stopped counting birthdays in 1602". Well, we think it's high time that the world knows his birthday, and YOU have a say in it!

Choose a birthday for Yorick, but you have to give us a reason for your choice (something that might have significance in the Yorickian Universe, not just because it's YOUR birthday, lol). Send your choice to us using the contact form on this blog or as a private message via Messenger on the "22 Bones" Facebook fan page. PLEASE DO NOT post your entry as a comment in either the blog or FB! You have until midnight Saturday, January 12th, 2019 (ET) to enter your choice or choices (yes, you can enter more than once!). We'll review all choices and choose the best 6 or 7 (executive decision!) which will then be posted on this blog as a poll (just the date and reason, not your name); you, the fans, will get to vote on the best choice! The winning entry will be announced on both Facebook and this blog.

The prize: The winner will be mentioned by name (or nickname, if they wish), in the upcoming micro-mini side episode, "Birthday Suit" (due out end of January), as an old friend of Yorick who informed the crew about his birthday. So, you become a part of the Yorickian Universe!

Now get cracking and come up with some birthday dates!
