Season 3 Episode 4 now out!
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More Yorickian Glassware!...(and Season 2 update)

We couldn't resist buying this small double-shot glass from local glassmaker Brandon K. (he who made our demitasse cups, which, by the way, are perfect for real drinking chocolate)! It's only 2 inches tall and is beautiful - clear with slightly milky swirls in normal light, it glows when the light from the sunset hits it (above). Hard to capture the detail, but there are also very subtle little skulls worked into the patterning on the glass...just had to share!

Things are still working in the background for Season 2, which will not have as many episodes as the first season (that was a HUGE undertaking), but has all-new adventures for the Anachronauts. I'm gearing for a November 1st 2019 launch, barring any bumps in the road. STAY TUNED!

(Again, for those in the Windsor/Essex region of Ontario, Brandon the glassmaker has a stall at the Amherstburg Farmers Market on Saturdays.)
