Season 3 Episode 4 now out!
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New Software, New Look?

Recently I have been trying out a new piece of 2D animation software (Cartoon Animator 4 by Reallusion), more sophisticated, powerful and flexible than my previous tools. As a way of learning the ropes, I made a very short test scene for episode 4 using it, entering the result in a contest the software publisher runs...well, my efforts have been recognized! The announcements of winners for Reallusion's contest is on their website here: Animation At Work Contest Winners  Click on the "Creative" tab [edit: changed to "Judges' Awards" tab] to see the wonderful Judges' Comments for my category and entry. So exciting!

Since entering, I have finished that episode (it will go live on Thursday the 21st) as well as two additional episodes using the software (the complete Rat Origin story arc on the island). I'm well into a fourth episode (different storyline) using the software right now. Same characters, same types of stories, new look with some real depth to the backgrounds (but still 2D; this series just wouldn't be the same in 3D animation! 😃). There will also still be some stop-motion mixed in there - that's always been part of the mix in 22 Bones! I'm really enjoying "playing" with the program and I hope you'll like the direction the series is taking.

Here's the main frame for the reel I entered in the contest:

[You can read more about my exploration of the software at my other blog which deals with my main filmmaking efforts, Rusty Bolt Theatre .  The most recent 3 or 4 entries deal with the software and have some screenshots of the actual program in action.]
