Season 3 Episode 4 now out!
Watch on Vimeo or YouTube!

In the sidebar you'll find:
About the series, episode synopses and links to our channels on Vimeo, YouTube and Stareable and many other resources.
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The main blog is below.

Episode 1 now up and Running!

 Yorick and the crew of the Golden Hind-er react to a message seemingly sent from far, far away.

Watch on Vimeo or YouTube (links on main page) or embedded from Vimeo in the "Pages" section of the sidebar, "Episodes Season 2.5".

UPDATE: Please note that the YouTube upload isn't appearing on the YT channel at this time. If this hasn't changed by this evening, I'll re-initiate the upload. Thanks for your patience; and you can watch a really high quality version of the episode on Vimeo!
