Season 3 Episode 4 now out!
Watch on Vimeo or YouTube!

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Special Bonus: "Re-Gruntle!", the Game!

What better bonus for the gaming story in our web series than an actual game based on it? In "Re-Gruntle!" you try to pacify nasty bass clarinets and Spots of Bother by projecting music at them from the Golden Hind-er; but make sure you avoid the Vortex! This is an incredibly simple timed game (60 seconds) in which you try to beat your own high score. It's hosted at Scirra Arcade, part of the game-building software company, and is totally free to play without having to register, as are all the games on their arcade (click the banner below to go there). Right now it is playable on a device with a mouse and keyboard (desktop, laptop, some tabs) but a touchscreen version is in the works, TBA.

[A link to the game will be anchored in the reference section, in the menu on the left of this blog]

Enjoy the game and transform those Nasties!

