Season 3 Episode 4 now out!
Watch on Vimeo or YouTube!

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About the series, episode synopses and links to our channels on Vimeo, YouTube and Stareable and many other resources.
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The main blog is below.

We're an Official Selection!

I'm ecstatic to announce that we are officially selected to be part of the Squee! Film Festival at RevelCon in Houston: (official website) March 22-24th!!!! The film portion is hosted by Hansi Oppenheimer, an amazingly energetic film director and all-around warrior-woman, creator of the Squee Project, a project that "supports and promotes women, femme, female identifying and non-binary creators by covering the full fandom experience including cosplay, conventions, comic books, movies, podcasts, fanfic, episodics, and creating spaces to collaborate and network in geek-nerd culture." (from the RevelCon site)
Two of my films ("Essentially Alys" and "And She Rode Forth....") screened at a previous fest organized by the Squee Project, and Hansi is a wonderful person to deal with.
So, onward, Yorick!!!
